
It is clear that people parenting or caring for children, adolescents or adults with FASD need support.  The job is difficult, heartbreaking and sometimes thankless. 

Support can be provided by health practitioners, services, family, friends and the rffada.  It is the case in Australia that many health practitioners do not have the range of information or education on this condition to adequately support their patients, although there are some notable exceptions. 

Family and friends often do not understand that the behaviour of children with FASD is NOT related to bad parenting but to an organic brain injury and is also not within the control of the child.

The rffada provides unconditional support for birth parents, foster and adoptive parents, people living with FASD, and their parents or carers.  We offer support on a non-judgemental basis with a no blame no shame platform.

The first diagnostic team in Australia is located on the Gold Coast

For further information, contact details are as follows:

Dr Doug Shelton MB BS, Dip Paed, FRACP

Churchill Fellow

Eminent Staff Specialist

Clinical Director | Community Child Health

Medical Director | Women’s & Children’s Health Services 

Specialty & Procedural Services

Gold Coast Health

Senior Lecturer | Griffith University Community Child Health

Southport Health Precinct 16-30 High St Southport 4215

P: 07 5687 9183  |  F: 07 5687 9168 M: 0410 433 038 E: [email protected]



Prue Walker is a Social Worker who provides consulting services to government, agencies, individuals and families in relation to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Prue specialises in training and education for service providers, carers and family members. Prue’s training is accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).